Monday, November 29, 2004

Searching for a Doctor


I already had an appointment scheduled for Tueady, but I wanted to try and get into see someone sooner. I had already resigned to the fact I would have to have the cornea transplant. Now, I just wanted to get started getting better. I called one of our clients, from work, who owns a company that sells retinal surgical equipment. I called Frank Tighe. Frank said he would call his business partner who runs the opthamology department at USC. Frank called me back and told me that his sources reccommended Dr. Doyle Stulting, a professor at Emory University. Frank said, "if one of my kids were having a cornea transplant, then Dr Stulting would do the surgery." So, I called and got an appointment to see him on Wednesday. I cancelled my other appointment for that Tuesday. I figured if I am going to get this done it might as well be by the best. The true blessing was that Dr. Stulting accepted Blue Cross and Blue Shield, so my insurance will cover the appointments and the surgery.


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